

Shown below is detailed information and a selection of screenshots taken from the Questionnaires section from both versions of the Baby's Days system.

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Parents Sign Questionnaires

Digital Signatures are incorporated into the Questionnaires section on the system, parents sign the Questionnaires by signing directly onto your system using their or the setting's mobile phone, tablet, iPad or a signature pad connected to a laptop or PC at your childcare setting.

Key Areas of the Questionnaires section

An All About Me questionnaire with 36 questions has already been created on the system, this can be instantly assigned to the parents for completion.
You can create an unlimited number of questionnaires on the system.
Each questionnaire can be assigned to any number of children individually.
Each questionnaire can have single or multiple line answers, single or multiple choice answers.
Parents can complete the questionnaires by logging in to your system securely.
Parents can return at any point to complete a questionnaire.
Once a parent completes a questionnaire it is marked as pending until you confirm it is complete.
Parents can sign their questionnaire digitally online, the systems stores their actual hand written digital signature along with the date and time they signed.
Questionnaires can be printed if desired.
A fantastic form of parent partnership.

Screenshots and more Information

Shown below are a selection of screenshots and additional information relating to the Questionnaires section on the system.

Questionnaires Overview

The questionnaires overview page on the system shows you all the current questionnaires you have on your system, from here you can create a new questionnaire, edit, copy or delete an existing questionnaire or assign a questionnaire to one or more individual children on the system.

Add / Edit a Questionnaire

When creating a new or editing an existing questionnaire you can decide the type of questions within each questionnaire, for example each answer can be single or multiple line answers or single or multiple choice answers, each question can be easily moved up or down the questionnaire by clicking on the up / down arrows alongside each question.

Assign a Questionnaire

Each questionnaire can be assigned to an unlimited number of children on the system, once assigned to a child the parents can connect to the system to complete the questionnaire.

Parent view Questionnaires

When the parents connect to your system they can quickly and easily complete the questionnaires that have been assigned to them, they can save and return to a questionnaire at any time and once they have completed a questionnaire they can mark it as complete, you will then see the questionnaire as pending, you can read the questionnaire and confirm that it is complete, once complete no further changes can be made to the questionnaire.

Parent's Sign Questionnaires

Once a questionnaire has been completed by a parent and confirmed as completed by yourself, one or two parents can digitally sign the questionnaire using a mobile phone, tablet device or on a laptop, PC or Mac computer using a Baby's Days digital signature pad.

Parents sign the questionnaire with their actual hand written signature, this signature is then digitally stored on the system along with the exact date and time they signed. The parent's digital signature(s) can be viewed and printed on the actual questionnaire they signed.

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